Marzano’s Communication Part II


  • Video/Audio
    • YouTube – Anyone with a computer and built-in or attached webcam can create a vodcast (VideoOnDemand), then upload to a personal channel. To see some examples, click here to see Dr. Hargis in action.
    • GoogleHangouts/Skype/WebEx recorded videos of earlier sessions
  • Textblog comm
    • Email is probably the most common form of asynchronous communication that occurs today. The convenience has allowed it to become overused to the point that people delete without reading. Thus, the user must ensure emails are sent only to those who need it, use subject lines that indicate the importance, and ideally require some sort of action. Otherwise, email may be overlooked.
    • Infographics provide information at a glance with pictures and statistics that make lots of information easy and quick to grasp. Statistically speaking, people are much more likely to remember data presented with graphics and numbers than with one or the other.
    • Instagram provides immediate posting of a picture than can be worth more than words, and allows for it to be posted simultaneously on Facebook and  Twitter if set to do so.
    • Facebook is a great way to share school information with not only faculty and staff, but parents and the community. Why? Facebook allows you to set up a website, post information, create groups, share photos, send invitations, and most importantly, reaches a large community of followers simply because so many people already use Facebook. They will get information from Facebook before they will go the extra step to go to a school’s official website, because it reduces the number of places they have to go for information. Most websites allow for certain postings to be automatically posted to a Facebook account as well, if set to do so.
    • Twitter is generally used for asynchronous communication for posting links, comments, pictures, or combinations. These are generally sent in the midst of an event so information can be shared instantaneously.
    • Instant Messaging/Texting/Chatting
    • Podcasts are digital audio recordings that can be uploaded to iTunes or other similar sites. Users can listen or download at their convenience, or may choose to set up an RSS feed to get updates each time there is something new. . Links to them can be posted on other social media such as Twitter & Facebook for immediate access. Consider the weekly callouts some leaders make to the phones of stakeholder; if podcasts were used instead, even those without phones or those whose numbers have changed could access the podcasts at their convenience.
    • Blogs such as this are also ways to provide ongoing communication and allow for feedback or comments. Blogger and the tool we are using, WordPress are two such resources. A blog provides a history of communication that is searchable and in general, informative, and allows for inclusion of graphics, polls, calendars, and other widgets.

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